Comparing contemporary and lifetime rates of carbon accumulation from secondary forests in the eastern Amazon. Elias, F; Ferreira, J; Resende, AF; Berenguer, E; França, F; Smith, CC; Schwartz, G; Nascimento, RO; Guedes, M; Chesini, LR; de Seixas, MMM; da Silva, CM; Barlow, J. (2022). Forest Ecology and Management, 508: 120053. 


Functional redundancy of Amazonian dung beetles confers community‐level resistance to primary forest disturbance. Nunes, CA; Barlow, J; França, F; Berenguer, E; Solar, RRC; Louzada, J; Leitão, RP; Maia, LF; Oliveira, VHF; Braga, RF; Vaz‐de‐Mello, FZ; Sayer, EJ. (2021). Biotropica, btp.12998.

Tracking the impacts of El Niño drought and fire in human-modified Amazonian forests. Berenguer, E; Lennox, GD; Ferreira, J; Malhi, Y; Aragão, LEOC; Barreto, JR; Del Bon Espírito-Santo, F; Figueiredo, AES; França, F; Gardner, TA; Joly, CA; Palmeira, AF; Quesada, CA; Rossi, LC; de Seixas, MMM; Smith, CC; Withey, K; Barlow, J. (2021). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(30): e2019377118. 

Assessing invertebrate herbivory in human‐modified tropical forest canopies. Barreto, JR; Berenguer, E; Ferreira, J; Joly, CA; Malhi, Y; Seixas, MMM; Barlow, J. (2021). Ecology and Evolution, 11(9): 4012–4022. 

Morphological and phylogenetic factors structure the distribution of damselfly and dragonfly species (Odonata) along an environmental gradient in Amazonian streams. Bastos, RC; Brasil, LS; Oliveira-Junior, JMB; Carvalho, FG; Lennox, GD; Barlow, J; Juen, L. (2021). Ecological Indicators, 122: 107257.  

The role of secondary riparian forests for conserving fish assemblages in eastern Amazon streams. de Paula, FR; Leal, CG; Leitão, RP; Ferraz, SF de B; Pompeu, PS; Zuanon, JAS; Hughes, RM. (2021). Hydrobiologia

Impact of environmental changes on the behavioral diversity of the Odonata (Insecta) in the Amazon. de Resende, BO; Ferreira, VRS; Brasil, LS; Calvão, LB; Mendes, TP; de Carvalho, FG; Mendoza-Penagos, CC; Bastos, RC; Brito, JS; Oliveira-Junior, JMB; Dias-Silva, K; Luiza-Andrade, A; Guillermo, R; Cordero-Rivera, A; Juen, L. (2021). Scientific Reports, 11(1): 9742. 

Low forest-loss thresholds threaten Amazonian fish and macroinvertebrate assemblage integrity. Martins, RT; Brito, J; Dias-Silva, K; Leal, CG; Leitão, RP; Oliveira, VC; Oliveira-Júnior, JMB; Ferraz, SFB; de Paula, FR; Roque, FO; Hamada, N; Juen, L; Nessimian, JL; Pompeu, PS; Hughes, RM. (2021). Ecological Indicators, 127: 107773. 

A new biomonitoring method using taxonomic families as substitutes for the suborders of the Odonata (Insecta) in Amazonian streams. Mendoza-Penagos, CC; Calvão, LB; Juen, L. (2021). Ecological Indicators, 124: 107388. 

Patterns of co‐occurrence and body size in dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) in preserved and altered Amazonian streams. Oliveira‐Junior, JMB; Teodósio, MA; Juen, L. (2021). Austral Entomology, 60(2): 436–450. 

Leaf-litter production in human-modified Amazonian forests following the El Niño-mediated drought and fires of 2015–2016. Oliveira de Morais, TM; Berenguer, E; Barlow, J; França, F; Lennox, GD; Malhi, Y; Chesini Rossi, L; Maria Moraes de Seixas, M; Ferreira, J. (2021). Forest Ecology and Management, 496: 119441. 


Small forest losses degrade stream macroinvertebrate assemblages in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Brito, JG; Roque, FO; Martins, RT; Nessimian, JL; Oliveira, VC; Hughes, RM; de Paula, FR; Ferraz, SFB; Hamada, N. (2020). Biological Conservation, 241: 108263. 

Climatic and local stressor interactions threaten tropical forests and coral reefs. França, FM; Benkwitt, CE; Peralta, G; Robinson, JPW; Graham, NAJ; Tylianakis, JM; Berenguer, E; Lees, AC; Ferreira, J; Louzada, J; Barlow, J. (2020). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375(1794): 20190116. 

El Niño impacts on human‐modified tropical forests: Consequences for dung beetle diversity and associated ecological processes. França, FM; Ferreira, J; Vaz‐de‐Mello, FZ; Maia, LF; Berenguer, E; Ferraz Palmeira, A; Fadini, R; Louzada, J; Braga, R; Hugo Oliveira, V; Barlow, J. (2020). Biotropica, 52(2): 252–262. 

A large‐scale assessment of plant dispersal mode and seed traits across human‐modified Amazonian forests. Hawes, JE; Vieira, ICG; Magnago, LFS; Berenguer, E; Ferreira, J; Aragão, LEOC; Cardoso, A; Lees, AC; Lennox, GD; Tobias, JA; Waldron, A; Barlow, J. (2020). Journal of Ecology, 108(4): 1373–1385. 

Integrated terrestrial-freshwater planning doubles conservation of tropical aquatic species. Leal, CG; Lennox, GD; Ferraz, SFB; Ferreira, J; Gardner, TA; Thomson, JR; Berenguer, E; Lees, AC; Hughes, RM; Mac Nally, R; Aragão, LEOC; de Brito, JG; Castello, L; Garrett, RD; Hamada, N; Juen, L; Leitão, RP; Louzada, J; Morello, TF; Moura, NG; Nessimian, JL; Oliveira-Junior, JMB; Oliveira, VHF; de Oliveira, VC; Parry, L; Pompeu, PS; Solar, RRC; Zuanon, J; Barlow, J. (2020). Science, 370(6512): 117–121. 

hardRain: An R package for quick, automated rainfall detection in ecoacoustic datasets using a threshold-based approach. Metcalf, OC; Lees, AC; Barlow, J; Marsden, SJ; Devenish, C. (2020). Ecological Indicators, 109: 105793. 

A shared perspective on managing Amazonian sustainable‐use reserves in an era of megafires. Spínola, JN; da Silva, MJS; da Silva, JRA; Barlow, J; Ferreira, J. (2020). Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(11): 2132–2138. 


Uncertainties in assessing the extent and legal compliance status of riparian forests in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Nunes, S; Barlow, J; Gardner, T; Sales, M; Monteiro, D; Souza, C. (2019). Land Use Policy, 82: 37–47. 

Environmental changes promote larger species of Odonata (Insecta) in Amazonian streams. Pereira, DFG; de Oliveira Junior, JMB; Juen, L. (2019). Ecological Indicators, 98: 179–192. 

Evaluating the biodiversity quality response of tropical Odonata to tree clearance. Juen, L; Feest, A. (2019). International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 39(1): 45–52. 

The Zygoptera/Anisoptera Ratio (Insecta: Odonata): a New Tool for Habitat Alterations Assessment in Amazonian Streams. Oliveira-Junior, JMB; Juen, L. (2019). Neotropical Entomology, 48(4): 552–560. 

The Response of Neotropical Dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) to Local and Regional Abiotic Factors in Small Streams of the Amazon. Oliveira-Junior, JMB; Dias-Silva, K; Teodósio, MA; Juen, L. (2019). Insects, 10(12): 446. 

Structuring of Dragonfly Communities (Insecta: Odonata) in Eastern Amazon: Effects of Environmental and Spatial Factors in Preserved and Altered Streams. Oliveira-Junior; Juen. (2019). Insects, 10(10): 322. 


The future of hyperdiverse tropical ecosystems. Barlow, J; França, F; Gardner, TA; Hicks, CC; Lennox, GD; Berenguer, E; Castello, L; Economo, EP; Ferreira, J; Guénard, B; Leal, CG; Isaac, V; Lees, AC; Parr, CL; Wilson, SK; Young, PJ; Graham, NAJ. (2018). Nature, 559(7715): 517–526. 

Seeing the woods through the saplings: Using wood density to assess the recovery of human‐modified Amazonian forests. Berenguer, E; Gardner, TA; Ferreira, J; Aragão, LEOC; Mac Nally, R; Thomson, JR; Vieira, ICG; Barlow, J. (2018). Journal of Ecology, 106(6): 2190–2203. 

Tree growth and stem carbon accumulation in human-modified Amazonian forests following drought and fire. Berenguer, E; Malhi, Y; Brando, P; Cardoso Nunes Cordeiro, A; Ferreira, J; França, F; Chesini Rossi, L; Maria Moraes de Seixas, M; Barlow, J. (2018). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373(1760): 20170308. 

The Potential of Multisource Remote Sensing for Mapping the Biomass of a Degraded Amazonian Forest. Bourgoin, C; Blanc, L; Bailly, J-S; Cornu, G; Berenguer, E; Oszwald, J; Tritsch, I; Laurent, F; Hasan, A; Sist, P; Gond, V. (2018). Forests, 9(6): 303. 

Biological indicators of diversity in tropical streams: Congruence in the similarity of invertebrate assemblages. Brito, JG; Martins, RT; Oliveira, VC; Hamada, N; Nessimian, JL; Hughes, RM; Ferraz, SFB; de Paula, FR. (2018). Ecological Indicators, 85: 85–92. 

Carbon-focused conservation may fail to protect the most biodiverse tropical forests. Ferreira, J; Lennox, GD; Gardner, TA; Thomson, JR; Berenguer, E; Lees, AC; Mac Nally, R; Aragão, LEOC; Ferraz, SFB; Louzada, J; Moura, NG; Oliveira, VHF; Pardini, R; Solar, RRC; Vieira, ICG; Barlow, J. (2018). Nature Climate Change, 8(8): 744–749. 

Is environmental legislation conserving tropical stream faunas? A large-scale assessment of local, riparian and catchment-scale influences on Amazonian fish. Leal, CG; Barlow, J; Gardner, TA; Hughes, RM; Leitão, RP; Mac Nally, R; Kaufmann, PR; Ferraz, SFB; Zuanon, J; de Paula, FR; Ferreira, J; Thomson, JR; Lennox, GD; Dary, EP; Röpke, CP; Pompeu, PS. (2018). Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(3): 1312–1326. 

Disentangling the pathways of land use impacts on the functional structure of fish assemblages in Amazon streams. Leitão, RP; Zuanon, J; Mouillot, D; Leal, CG; Hughes, RM; Kaufmann, PR; Villéger, S; Pompeu, PS; Kasper, D; de Paula, FR; Ferraz, SFB; Gardner, TA. (2018). Ecography, 41(1): 219–232. 

Efeito da cobertura de dossel sobre a comunidade de Odonata (Insecta) em igarapés na região de Santarém-Belterra (PA). Silva, DDC; Oliveira Junior, JMB. (2018). Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais, 9(6): 88–97. 

Second rate or a second chance? Assessing biomass and biodiversity recovery in regenerating Amazonian forests. Lennox, GD; Gardner, TA; Thomson, JR; Ferreira, J; Berenguer, E; Lees, AC; Mac Nally, R; Aragão, LEOC; Ferraz, SFB; Louzada, J; Moura, NG; Oliveira, VHF; Pardini, R; Solar, RRC; Vaz‐de Mello, FZ; Vieira, ICG; Barlow, J. (2018). Global Change Biology, 24(12): 5680–5694. 

Fertilizer Adoption by Smallholders in the Brazilian Amazon: Farm-level Evidence. Morello, TF; Piketty, M-G; Gardner, T; Parry, L; Barlow, J; Ferreira, J; Tancredi, NS. (2018). Ecological Economics, 144: 278–291. 

ENSO Drives interannual variation of forest woody growth across the tropics. Rifai, SW; Girardin, CAJ; Berenguer, E; del Aguila-Pasquel, J; Dahlsjö, CAL; Doughty, CE; Jeffery, KJ; Moore, S; Oliveras, I; Riutta, T; Rowland, LM; Murakami, AA; Addo-Danso, SD; Brando, P; Burton, C; Ondo, FE; Duah-Gyamfi, A; Amézquita, FF; Freitag, R; Pacha, FH; Huasco, WH; Ibrahim, F; Mbou, AT; Mihindou, VM; Peixoto, KS; Rocha, W; Rossi, LC; Seixas, M; Silva-Espejo, JE; Abernethy, KA; Adu-Bredu, S; Barlow, J; da Costa, ACL; Marimon, BS; Marimon-Junior, BH; Meir, P; Metcalfe, DB; Phillips, OL; White, LJT; Malhi, Y. (2018). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373(1760): 20170410. 

Drought-induced Amazonian wildfires instigate a decadal-scale disruption of forest carbon dynamics. Silva, CVJ; Aragão, LEOC; Barlow, J; Espirito-Santo, F; Young, PJ; Anderson, LO; Berenguer, E; Brasil, I; Foster Brown, I; Castro, B; Farias, R; Ferreira, J; França, F; Graça, PMLA; Kirsten, L; Lopes, AP; Salimon, C; Scaranello, MA; Seixas, M; Souza, FC; Xaud, HAM. (2018). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373(1760): 20180043. 

Landscape correlates of bushmeat consumption and hunting in a post-frontier Amazonian region. Torres, PC; Morsello, C; Parry, L; Barlow, J; Ferreira, J; Gardner, T; Pardini, R. (2018). Environmental Conservation, 45(4): 315–323. 

Quantifying immediate carbon emissions from El Niño-mediated wildfires in humid tropical forests. Withey, K; Berenguer, E; Palmeira, AF; Espírito-Santo, FDB; Lennox, GD; Silva, CVJ; Aragão, LEOC; Ferreira, J; França, F; Malhi, Y; Rossi, LC; Barlow, J. (2018). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373(1760): 20170312. 


A multi-assemblage, multi-metric biological condition index for eastern Amazonia streams. Chen, K; Hughes, RM; Brito, JG; Leal, CG; Leitão, RP; de Oliveira-Júnior, JMB; de Oliveira, VC; Dias-Silva, K; Ferraz, SFB; Ferreira, J; Hamada, N; Juen, L; Nessimian, J; Pompeu, PS; Zuanon, J. (2017). Ecological Indicators, 78: 48–61. 

Soil Organic Matter Responses to Anthropogenic Forest Disturbance and Land Use Change in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon. Durigan, M; Cherubin, M; de Camargo, P; Ferreira, J; Berenguer, E; Gardner, T; Barlow, J; Dias, C; Signor, D; Junior, R; Cerri, C. (2017). Sustainability, 9(3): 379. 

Explaining the persistence of low income and environmentally degrading land uses in the Brazilian Amazon. Garrett, RD; Gardner, TA; Morello, TF; Marchand, S; Barlow, J; Ezzine de Blas, D; Ferreira, J; Lees, AC; Parry, L. (2017). Ecology and Society, 22(3): art27. 

Effects of human disturbance and riparian conditions on Odonata (Insecta) assemblages in eastern Amazon basin streams. Oliveira-Junior, JMB de; De Marco, P; Dias-Silva, K; Leitão, RP; Leal, CG; Pompeu, PS; Gardner, TA; Hughes, RM; Juen, L. (2017). Limnologica, 66: 31–39. 

Are we selecting appropriate metrics to assess human impacts on biodiversity? Oliveira, VHF; Barlow, J; Gardner, T; Louzada, J. (2017). Basic and Applied Ecology, 21: 85–93. 


Anthropogenic disturbance in tropical forests can double biodiversity loss from deforestation. Barlow, J; Lennox, GD; Ferreira, J; Berenguer, E; Lees, AC; Nally, R Mac; Thomson, JR; Ferraz, SF de B; Louzada, J; Oliveira, VHF; Parry, L; Ribeiro de Castro Solar, R; Vieira, ICG; Aragão, LEOC; Begotti, RA; Braga, RF; Cardoso, TM; Jr, RC de O; Souza Jr, CM; Moura, NG; Nunes, SS; Siqueira, JV; Pardini, R; Silveira, JM; Vaz-de-Mello, FZ; Veiga, RCS; Venturieri, A; Gardner, TA. (2016). Nature, 535(7610): 144–147. 

Using avian functional traits to assess the impact of land-cover change on ecosystem processes linked to resilience in tropical forests. Bregman, TP; Lees, AC; MacGregor, HEA; Darski, B; de Moura, NG; Aleixo, A; Barlow, J; Tobias, JA. (2016). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283(1844): 20161289. 

Land use intensification in the humid tropics increased both alpha and beta diversity of soil bacteria. Carvalho, TS; Jesus, E da C; Barlow, J; Gardner, TA; Soares, IC; Tiedje, JM; Moreira, FM de S. (2016). Ecology, 97(10): 2760–2771. 

Multi-scale assessment of human-induced changes to Amazonian instream habitats. Leal, CG; Pompeu, PS; Gardner, TA; Leitão, RP; Hughes, RM; Kaufmann, PR; Zuanon, J; de Paula, FR; Ferraz, SFB; Thomson, JR; Mac Nally, R; Ferreira, J; Barlow, J. (2016). Landscape Ecology, 31(8): 1725–1745. 

Idiosyncratic responses of Amazonian birds to primary forest disturbance. Moura, NG; Lees, AC; Aleixo, A; Barlow, J; Berenguer, E; Ferreira, J; Mac Nally, R; Thomson, JR; Gardner, TA. (2016). Oecologia, 180(3): 903–916. 

Compensating for past deforestation: Assessing the legal forest surplus and deficit of the state of Pará, eastern Amazonia. Nunes, S; Gardner, T; Barlow, J; Martins, H; Salomão, R; Monteiro, D; Souza, C. (2016). Land Use Policy, 57: 749–758. 

Biodiversity consequences of land-use change and forest disturbance in the Amazon: A multi-scale assessment using ant communities. Solar, RR de C; Barlow, J; Andersen, AN; Schoereder, JH; Berenguer, E; Ferreira, JN; Gardner, TA. (2016). Biological Conservation, 197: 98–107. 

How Does Hybrid Governance Emerge? Role of the elite in building a Green Municipality in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon. Viana, C; Coudel, E; Barlow, J; Ferreira, J; Gardner, T; Parry, L. (2016). Environmental Policy and Governance, 26(5): 337–350. 



Developing Cost-Effective Field Assessments of Carbon Stocks in Human-Modified Tropical Forests. Berenguer, E; Gardner, TA; Ferreira, J; Aragão, LEOC; Camargo, PB; Cerri, CE; Durigan, M; Oliveira Junior, RC; Vieira, ICG; Barlow, J. (2015). PLOS ONE, 10(8): e0133139. 

Neotropical dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) as indicators of ecological condition of small streams in the eastern Amazon. de Oliveira-Junior, JMB; Shimano, Y; Gardner, TA; Hughes, RM; de Marco Júnior, P; Juen, L. (2015). Austral Ecology, 40(6): 733–744. 

A 22 year assessment of deforestation and restoration in riparian forests in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. NUNES, SS; BARLOW, J; GARDNER, TA; SIQUEIRA, J V.; SALES, MR; SOUZA, CM. (2015). Environmental Conservation, 42(3): 193–203. 

How pervasive is biotic homogenization in human-modified tropical forest landscapes? Solar, RR de C; Barlow, J; Ferreira, J; Berenguer, E; Lees, AC; Thomson, JR; Louzada, J; Maués, M; Moura, NG; Oliveira, VHF; Chaul, JCM; Schoereder, JH; Vieira, ICG; Mac Nally, R; Gardner, TA. (2015). Ecology Letters, 18(10): 1108–1118. 


Road networks predict human influence on Amazonian bird communities. Ahmed, SE; Lees, AC; Moura, NG; Gardner, TA; Barlow, J; Ferreira, J; Ewers, RM. (2014). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281(1795): 20141742. 

A large-scale field assessment of carbon stocks in human-modified tropical forests. Berenguer, E; Ferreira, J; Gardner, TA; Aragão, LEOC; De Camargo, PB; Cerri, CE; Durigan, M; Oliveira, RC De; Vieira, ICG; Barlow, J. (2014). Global Change Biology, 20(12): 3713–3726. 

Two Hundred Years of Local Avian Extinctions in Eastern Amazonia. Moura, NG; Lees, AC; Aleixo, A; Barlow, J; Dantas, SM; Ferreira, J; Lima, M de FC; Gardner, TA. (2014). Conservation Biology, 28(5): 1271–1281. 

Challenges of Governing Second-Growth Forests: A Case Study from the Brazilian Amazonian State of Pará. Vieira, I; Gardner, T; Ferreira, J; Lees, A; Barlow, J. (2014). Forests, 5(7): 1737–1752. 


A social and ecological assessment of tropical land uses at multiple scales: the Sustainable Amazon Network. Gardner, T.A.; Ferreira, J.; Barlow, J.; Lees, A.C.; Parry, L.; Vieira, I.C.G.; Berenguer, E.; Abramovay, R.; Aleixo, A.; Andretti, C.; Aaragao, L.E.O.; Araujo, I.; Souza de Avila, W.; Bardgett, R.D.; Batistella, M.; Begotti, R.A.; Beldini, T.; Ezzine de Blas, D.; Braga, R.F.; de Lima Braga, D.; de Brito, J.G.; de Camargo, P.B.; Campos dos Santos, F.; Campos de Oliveira, V.; Cordeiro, A.C.N.; Cardoso, T.M.; de Carvalho, D.R.; Castelani, S.A.; Chaul, J.C.M.; Cerri, C.E.; De Assis Costa, F.; da Costa, C.D.F.; Coudel, E.; Coutinho, A.C.; Cunha, D.; D’Antona, A.; Dezincourt, J.; Dias-Silva, K.; Durigan, M.; Esquerdo, J.C.D.; Feres, J.; de Barros Ferraz, S.F.; de Melo Ferreira, A.E.; Fiorini, A.c.; da Silva, L.V.F.; Frazão, F.S.; Garrett, R.; dos Santos Gomes, A.; da Silva Goncalves, K.; Guerrero, J.B.; Hamada, N.; Hughes, R.M.; Igliori, D.C.; da Conceicao Jesus, E.; Juen, L.; Junior, M.; de Oliveira Junior, J.M.B.; de Oliveira Junior, R.C.; Junior, C.S.; Kaufmann, P.; Korasaki, V.; Leal, C.G.; Leitão, R.; Lima, N.; de Fatima Lopes Almeida, M.; Lourival, R.; Louzada, J.; Mac Nally, R.C.; Marchand, S.; Maues, M.M.; Moreira, F.M.S.; Morsello, C.; Moura, N.; Nessimian, J.; Nunes, S.; Oliveira, V.H.F.; Pardini, R.; Pereira, H.C.; Pompeu, P.S.; Ribas, C.R.; Rossetti, F.; Schmidt, F.A.; da Silva, R.; da Silva, R.C.V.; da Silva, T.F.M.; Silveira, J.; Siqueira, J.V.; de Carvalho, T.S.; Solar, R.R.C.; Tancredi, N.S.H.; Thomson, J.R.; Torres, P.C.; Vaz-de-Mello, F.Z.; Veiga, R.C.S.; Venturieri, A.; Viana, C.; Weinhold, D.; Zanetta, R. & Zuanon, J. (2013). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 368(1619): 20120166. 

One hundred and thirty-five years of avifaunal surveys around Santarém, central Brazilian Amazon. Lees, AC; Moura, NG de; Andretti, CB; Davis, BJW; Lopes, E V.; Henriques, LMP; Aleixo, A; Barlow, J; Ferreira, J; Gardner, TA. (2013). Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 21(1): 16–57. 

Avian biodiversity in multiple-use landscapes of the Brazilian Amazon. Moura, NG; Lees, AC; Andretti, CB; Davis, BJW; Solar, RRC; Aleixo, A; Barlow, J; Ferreira, J; Gardner, TA. (2013). Biological Conservation, 167: 339–348. 


The critical importance of considering fire in REDD+ programs. Barlow, J; Parry, L; Gardner, TA; Ferreira, J; Aragão, LEOC; Carmenta, R; Berenguer, E; Vieira, ICG; Souza, C; Cochrane, MA. (2012). Biological Conservation, 154: 1–8. 

A framework for integrating biodiversity concerns into national REDD+ programmes. Gardner, TA; Burgess, ND; Aguilar-Amuchastegui, N; Barlow, J; Berenguer, E; Clements, T; Danielsen, F; Ferreira, J; Foden, W; Kapos, V; Khan, SM; Lees, AC; Parry, L; Roman-Cuesta, RM; Schmitt, CB; Strange, N; Theilade, I; Vieira, ICG. (2012). Biological Conservation, 154: 61–71. 

Paragominas: a quantitative baseline inventory of an eastern Amazonian avifauna. Lees, AC; Moura, NG de; Santana, A; Aleixo, A; Barlow, J; Berenguer, E; Ferreira, J; Gardner, TA. (2012). Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 20(2): 93–118.